European Delegates Meet with Citizen SAM .
Executive Director Patti Smith recently met with six European delegates to share the mission of Citizen SAM. These visitors were invited to the United States under the auspices of the Department of State's International Visitor Leadership Program. The meeting took place at the Visitor's Convention Bureau in Springfield, Illinois.
The goals of the project are:
· To expose participants to U.S. security and defense policy-making and perspectives.
· To examine specific security issues, such as energy security, regional conflicts. Weapons proliferation, homeland security issues, and the response to international terrorism.
· To discuss European security architecture, including evolving roles of NATO, the European Union, the United Nations and other international organizations in dealing with global crises.
· To explore implications for partnership in U.S. and European security policy worldwide.
Countries and participants were:
Estonia Ms. Anneli POOLAKESE
Desk Officer
Counter Terrorism, Cyber Security, EU-NATO Relations Ministry of Foreign
Lithuania Mr. Bartas TRAKYMAS
Coordinator, Afghanistan Affairs
Ministry of National Defense
Montenegro Mr. Mladen DRAGASEVIC
Head, Building Human Capital and
Cross-Cutting Issues Unit,
Regional Cooperation Council
Portugal Mr. Jose Carlos DE ALMEIDA SOBREIRA
Chief of Foreign Liaison Office
Office of the G2, Army Staff
Slovenia Mr. Klemen GROSELJ
Research Assistant
Faculty of Social Sciences
United Kingdom Ms. Emily Grace McKEOWN
Head, International Terrorism Team
Government Communications
Headquarters (GCHQ)
Accompanied by Mr. Wojciech Streme
English Language Officer
(Springfield, Illinois segment only)
Each delegate was given a comprehensive report to take back to their country and presented with an Operation Santa t-shirt. It was an honor to represent each of you and tell of your undying patriotism and support of our Armed Forces locally and globally!