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"Year of the Military Family" declared by House of Representatives
By Rick Maze - Staff writer
Mar 11, 2009
A bipartisan resolution declaring 2009 the "Year of the Military Family" was passed by the House of Representatives on Wednesday on a unanimous vote after a flurry of speeches about how families are just as important to national security as uniformed service members.
HConRes 64, approved by a 422-0 roll call vote, provides no new benefits, no boost in pay, no improvements in living or working conditions and does not create or expand upon any family support program.
What it does is "urge" President Barack Obama to issue a proclamation designating 2009 as a year to hold ceremonies and events that point out the sacrifices made by the 1.8 million family members of active-duty troops and the 1.1 million family members of National Guard and Reserve troops.
Rep. Ike Skelton, D-MO, the House Armed Services Committee chairman and chief sponsor of the resolution, said families are sometimes overlooked when talking about sacrifices made during deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan.
"Over the last several years, military families have faced months of separation, some as long as 18 to 20 months," he said. "With over a million children between the ages of birth and 23 years of age who have parents in uniform, there have been many missed birthdays, graduations, holidays, and a child's first words and other major life accomplishments that are all too common as troops continue to experience back to back deployments."
Skelton said he expects such a proclamation to be issued, because President Obama and First Lady Michelle Obama already have made clear that military families will be a priority in this administration.
Rep. Doug Lamborn, R-CO, said support from families - including spouses, parents, children and siblings - is a big factor in recruiting and retaining service members. "Military families have an uncanny resilience," he said. "They are some of the strongest citizens in this country."
CitizenSAM Helps Military Family

Recently, Patti Smith, Executive Director of Citizen SAM, presented military wife Donna Broderick with a check for $1300.00 to help pay for a new furnace. Donna's husband is deployed for the fourth time so when their furnace went out Illinois Governor Pat Quinn called on our organization to help. Citizen SAM was honored to help this family.
Operation Helmetliner Update

We are still accepting the wool items and will now start stockpiling for fall. As the weather gets warmer, we are in great need of neck coolers. If anyone has any or is able to get a group of sewers together to make some, it would be greatly appreciated!!! The pattern is on our website https://citizensam.org/
under the Operation Helmetliner heading.
Thanks so much for all of your support!!!
Please join us for the 2nd Annual Operation Santa Charity Race
hosted by the Peoria Chiefs. Details and entry form here.
Patti Smith
Executive Director
Citizen SAM
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