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Guardian Angels for Soldier's Pet
Guardian Angels for Soldier's Pet, an ALL volunteer 501c3 nonprofit public charity formed in January 2005 after learning that military service members across the country had pets that needed a caring, loving, and safe home to care for them during the pet owner's deployment to fight the global war on terrorism, but had been unable to find someone to care for them. This left the military pet owners with only one option, which was to relinquish their beloved pets and pet ownership rights to a humane society, animal shelter, or animal rescue group never to see their pets again, not knowing if they were placed in a new home, or ended up being euthanized.
If you know of someone who has a compassion for animals, and wants to help a deploying soldier so that he/she does not have to give up their beloved pet to shelter, here's a way folks can help:
GreenCare for Troops
GreenCare for Troops has launched two new programs to assist our military families at home: "Buck it Up" for our military families, which you can find on our website www.projectevergreen.com and also the PLANET Day of Service on April 22nd where volunteers will provide spring clean-ups for our military families across the country. Looking for volunteers in all 50 states!
Operation Helmetliner is a year-round project. Current troop levels of 32,000 in Afghanistan are expected to double by this fall so please continue your work. Items will be much needed and Citizen SAM desires to accommodate all requests. Until then, we are stockpiling for this fall. Thank you notes such as the one below serve as a reminder why we do what we do.
Greetings from Afghanistan!!!! On behalf of FOB Lightning, we want to personally extend our sincerest thanks for the work that you have put into making the Helmet Liners. They not only keep our soldiers, sailors, and airman warm but also boost the morale of each and every one of them. The care that is put into each and every one of those has really touched us, and has made us realize just how precious our freedom really is.
We just want to let you know that we have personally been blessed by your selfless gesture, and it has been our sincerest honor to play a humble part in protecting the rights and freedoms that we all hold as Americans.
Citizen SAM 4 KIDZ
4-H Friends Club tying a quilt for CitizenSAM project. They enjoyed the effort and hope that some service person feels appreciated and comforted by its use.
Thank you for your efforts on their behalf.
4-H Friends Club
Johnson County
North Carolina
Looking for volunteers from Mississippi and Arkansas!
Our membership continues to grow each month with every state of the Union now being represented except Mississippi and Arkansas. Please forward this newsletter to your circle of friends. It will provide them with multiple opportunities to give back to their country.
A veteran is someone who, at one point in his or her life wrote a blank check made payable to "The United States of America" for an amount of "up to and including my life."
Patti Smith
Executive Director
Citizen SAM
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