Adopt A Soldier

Most requested items:
(Please know this is not a complete list. Check with your loved one on what they need and miss most.)

1. Letters
2. Batteries - AA, AAA and C
3. Socks - black or green
4. Drink mixes - Gatorade and Crystal Light
5. Magazines
6. Baby wipes
7. Hand sanitizer - travel size
8. Lotion - travel size
9. Disposable razors
10. Toilet paper
11. Kleenex - travel sizes
12. Cough drops
13. Eye drops
14. Pain relievers
15. Chap stick
16. Boot liner/insoles
17. Foot powder - for athlete's foot
18. Single use cameras
19. CD’s
20. Paper
21. Pens
22. Envelopes
23. Beef Jerky
24. Sunglasses
25. Eye glass wipes
26. Deck of cards
27. Ramen noodles
28. Gum
29. Lifesavers
30. Mints
31. Coffee
32. Hot Chocolate
33. Tea
34. Nuts
35. Sunflower Seeds
36. Power Bars
37. Pop tarts
38. Movies

Baked goods - These must be sealed in a heavy duty system. Cookies and brownies are best as some things get moldy before they arrive. You can go to a website that Nestle USA has put together for our military and get tips for making and sending "desert safe desserts" @

What not to send:

1. Pornography
2. Pork products
3. No chocolate or products that will melt between the months of April - October
4. Alcohol or products that contain alcohol. Some P.O. will not let you send hand sanitizers for this reason.